Trail work day!

Let’s close out 2021 by getting back out there to build trails! Now that we’ve had a little rain, and hopefully more soon, the conditions are ripe to move some dirt. Mark your calendar for Saturday December 18 and plan to join us to start on a new/old trail. Spots are limited so respond as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly. Let us know by clicking on this link and filling out the form. An email to the participants will follow with all the details.  
Hope to see you on the 18th!
Friends of Boggs Mountain

Unauthorized trail construction

Recently a new trail, roughly following the approximate original alignment of the old Shaker Trail, appeared in the forest. While we are all frustrated with the pace at which we have been able to restore our old trail system this action will ultimately delay our efforts.  The unauthorized trail will need to be reworked to allow for better water diversion and reinforced in areas that will not support heavy multi-use. Our goal is to recreate a trail network that is more sustainable than the original trails while following widely accepted modern multi-use trail guidelines to build a trail system that is fun for all user groups and will remain for many years.

If you would like to have a voice in future trail construction, please join us for our monthly meetings or, better yet, come to one of our upcoming trail days and train to build the trails we hope will be here for generations. Meetings and trail days will be posted on our web site at


Friends of Boggs Mountain in collaboration with the Norcal High School Cycling League, the Redwood Empire Mountain Bike Alliance and Sonoma County Trails Council plan to complete the proposed Norcal League race course as part of phase 2 of the Boggs Trail Rebuild Project and return students to racing in Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest. For more information or to help please click on the link below.

Sept. 12, 2020 Closure for Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest

Due to the extreme resource drawdown from wildfires across the state, including large fires in the Unit, and to limit potential ignition sources from the Forest, CAL FIRE Sonoma-Lake-Napa Unit has closed Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest to vehicle access as well as the Calso Camp Campground.

Non-motorized access to roads and trails remains open via the main parking area next to the forest headquarters.

More info is available in this press release: