Who We Are

Friends of Boggs Mountain (FOBM) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed to enhance the visitor’s experience in the forest through educational, interpretive, and recreational programs, help in development of facilities, and assist with maintenance and infrastructure improvements at Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest (BMDSF). The organization cooperates with BMDSF management and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) to meet those objectives.

With BMDSF oversight and approval, we are organizing work crews to help rebuild Boggs trails. Please support our efforts with a donation and/or join as a member to help us revitalize the forest for all visitors! Thank you in advance.



February 5, 2025

New updated trail maps now available! Trail updates include Hoberg Loop, Thinner and Creek Trail. In an effort to simplify and increase geographic awareness some trails are also being consolidated to better indicate the trail destination or location. Scout and Karen’s trail are being incorporated into Mac’s, Thinner and Bear Bones will be incorporated into …

The rough cut of Game Trail is completed on the east side of the mountain. On the morning of Saturday February 8 we plan to organize a group to do some finish work on the trail. The work will include the use of chainsaws, mcleods, rakes and shovels. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you wish …

FOBM Facebook Feed

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January 27, 2025It has recently been reported that someone has been placing obstacles such as large logs and brush across trails at Boggs Mountain Demonstration Forest. Consequently, if you are using the forest trails, hiking, horseback riding or mtn biking please be aware of potential dangers and proceed accordingly. This problem is exceedingly frustrating to those of us who have gone to great lengths and expense to bring the trails back to the Forest. These actions, I assume, are a protest of some kind however whoever is responsible needs to understand they are putting other Forest users at great risk while accomplishing absolutely nothing. ... See MoreSee Less
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December 9th, 2024As the weather cooled, the leaves turned to gold and orange, and the rains began, the board ofFriends of Boggs Mountain took some time to reflect on the work completed this year before weturn to planning the activities for 2025. We’re proud of the progress our community ofvolunteers and supporters has made in bringing back some of Lake County’s favorite trails, andwe wanted to share the accomplishments and exciting events that have taken place throughout2024. These events reflect the passion and commitment of our volunteers, local supporters,and visitors like you who help make our work possible.Trail Restoration and Cleanup DaysWeather permitting, Friends of Boggs organizes at least one trail work day per month, wherevolunteers gather to reestablish trails that were decommissioned after the Valley Fire and makeimportant repairs to ensure the existing trails remain safe and accessible for all visitors. Thesetrail days were a great success with volunteers contributing approximately 500 hours of work,and we were thrilled to see both new and familiar faces joining us to care for this treasuredforest.Trails restored in 2024 include:● Creek Trail● Hoberg’s Loop● Nate’s Cutoff, thanks to Eagle Scout Ivo Nuti of Troop 405Boggs Mountain 75h Anniversary CelebrationOne of our most exciting events of the year was the 75th Anniversary Celebration of thefounding of Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest at Calso Camp. A delicious free lunchcatered by Fire and Feast was provided to attendees, who also enjoyed live music from localCobb area performers. Norm Benson, former Forest Manager from 2000 – 2004 and one ofthe founders of Friends of Boggs Mountain, spoke on the history of Boggs Mountain andcurrent goals for the Forest. The highlight of the event was the presentation of a $15,000dollar check from Calpine Corp. to FOBM to be used for reconstruction of hiking trailsdestroyed by the Valley Fire. Thank you to all who made it happen and to all whoparticipated! ... See MoreSee Less
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www.fire.ca.gov/what-we-do/natural-resource-management/demonstration-state-forests ... See MoreSee Less
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Trail Map – Revised February 2025

Click https://boggsmountain.org/trail-map/boggs-trails-map for the full PDF

NOTE: Due to Covid19 restrictions trail building was temporarily halted. However trail construction began again this spring! So check our website and Facebook page for updates on future trail days.

In addition, while hunting (with permit) is allowed, since the Valley Fire of Sept. 2015, target shooting has been and continues to be prohibited until further notice.

FOBM Business Members

We appreciate the generosity of our valued Business Members and encourage our members and site visitors to support them when possible.

Anna Gregorian – Family Law Attorney
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Art By Design Greg Clouse5
Rosenthal Winery 2
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