Nate’s Cutoff is now open! Nate’s Cutoff is a trail connecting Gail’s Trail to Boggs Peak
Trail on the southeast side of the forest. Many thanks to Ivo Nuti of Boy Scout Troop
405 in Pleasant Hill. Ivo and his family have a cabin in the area and come up often to
spend time hiking and mountain biking at Boggs. So, when it came time for Ivo to come
up with an Eagle Project on his path to the rank of Eagle Scout, he wanted to give
something back to BMDSF. So, he teamed up with FOBM to bring back Nate’s Cutoff
trail. Ivo worked with FOBM on several trail workdays learning trail building technique,
planning and flagging the trail and on Saturday September 14 brought some of the kids
in the troop up to do the final work on the trail. Once again, thank you Ivo and troop 405
for helping to “bring back Boggs”!