“Dogs at Boggs” Event, Sat., May 4

Our “Dogs at Boggs” event is full up!  We look forward to seeing you at our first annual “Dogs at Boggs” event for canines and their companions on Saturday, May 4, 2013, from 10am to noon at Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest!Dogs Boggs Mountain

Leashed, friendly dogs and their companions are welcome!

American Kennel Club member Leslie Puppo will provide 30 minutes of dog-handling tips specifically for forest visitors. Following the lesson, participants will enjoy a fun exploration of the 1.3-mile Interpretive Trail. No leaf will remail unsniffed!

Canine participants will receive the coveted ā€œIā€™m a Boggs Dogā€ button and a bag of treats. Refreshments will be provided for humans.

This free event is sponsored by the Friends of Boggs Mountain and Evanger’s Dog & Cat Food Company. We are looking for more volunteers to help out with setup, wrangling, and/or cleanup so please contact us if you can help!

Reservations are required as space is limited. Please note that the organizers reserve the right to turn away any human or dog in this event for any reason.

Click here for directions to the event.

Hope to see you and your pal in the forest!
Happy Trails and Tails,
Friends of Boggs Mountain

Head’s up!

The winter and spring weekends are a popular time for bike riders and cycling groups to enjoy the forest and prepare for races. All visitors are advised to be mindful of blind corners, travel speed, and the right-of-way courtesies in a multi-use trail system that we have on the right navigation bar of this site. As a reminder:
Please be mindful and show courtesy to all users of the forest. Max. speed 15 MPH.

  • Hikers and cyclists yield to equestrians. Horses are easily spooked, and it is advisable and proper etiquette to be quiet, calm, put aside your hiking sticks, and give a thousand-pound animal a wide berth.
  • Cyclists yield to hikers, and should be mindful of their speed especially around blind corners. At the same time, hikers need to be aware that anything can come around a blind corner.
  • Deer yield to cyclists. Ok, that was lame. We just wanted to give cyclists recognition for having to be the most gentle(wo)manly, and kudos to those who are working hard to excel at a sport, simply enjoying the outdoors, and/or exercising to trim those hibernation layers.
Let’s all have a great time enjoying and sharing the forest!

Mushroom Talk Recap – Nov. 10, 2012

Image of Mushroom Talk at Boggs Mountain with Darvin DeShazer and audience

On Saturday, Nov. 10, the Friends of Boggs Mountain hosted a mushroom talk and walk for beginners, featuring Darvin DeShazer, Co-founder and Science Advisor of the Sonoma County Mycological Association, and Chairman of the Science Department at St. Vincent High School in Petaluma. Almost 50 forest visitors attended the brief talk, followed by a walk in the forest to find and hopefully, identify mushrooms.

New as well as seasoned mushroomers excitedly took off for the woods to see what they could find both on the ground and in the trees. Despite the meager rainfall this season, several mushrooms were found, in particular two diminutive yet fascinating Strobilurus species – delicate little white mushrooms that grow on pine cones.

Image of Gymnopus mushroom?
Might this be a Gymnopus mushroom?

After a couple of hours poking in the duff, people returned to the tables and Darv helped identify the ‘loot’ and answer questions. While Lake County is not particularly well-known for its mushrooms (the primo destination is coastal Mendocino and Humboldt Counties where Darv often goes to hunt both for the table as well as for research), some years produce prolific fruitings of milk caps, boletes, russulas, and sulfur shelves at Boggs.

Image of Turkey Tail mushrooms
Turkey Tail mushrooms

Participating in mushroom club forays and attending fairs and meetings is the best way of becoming more familiar with the fungal world. The field guide by Sonoma resident and author David Arora: All That the Rain Promises and More: A Hip Pocket Guide to Western Mushrooms, is also a good start to identify and learn about some of the most common mushrooms in our area. To find the nearest mushroom club in your area, consult the North American Mycological Association Website.  

Many thanks to Darv DeShazer for his visit, CalFire for the permits, and all who participated in this event!

Darv DeShazer discusses mushroom finds at Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest

Boogie at Boggs Endurance Run

On Sunday, Oct. 14, fifteen runners took part in the Boggs Mountain Boogie 50K individual or relay endurance run. The run started promptly at 8:30am under a brilliant cool sky, and participants had the option of doing the entire 50K (about 31 miles) individually or as a relay, as well as running just half the course. The run was organized by Kenny Brown of Heart & Sole Sports, that operates a retail store and training programs for runners in Santa Rosa.

Many thanks go to the volunteers who manned the aid stations and cheered on the runners as they huffed and puffed up and down the steep trails! The results are posted here.

Boggs Boogie Endurance Run
Downhill splits always bring on a smile!

Boggs Boogie Endurance Run
Boogie down!

Boggs Boogie Endurance Run
Relay buds

Ken Stanton Talk Recap, Aug. 18, 2012

Ken Stanton provides historical highlights of trails in Lake and Napa Counties

Ken Stanton, author of Mount St. Helena & R.L. Stevenson State Park: A history and guide, Great Day Hikes In and Around Napa Valley, and Napa Valley Picnic: A California Wine Country Travel Companion, gave an informative and animated talk on hikes in the surrounding counties (Lake, Napa, and Colusa). Over forty attendees learned about lesser-known hiking trails, as well as historical highlights of those areas. He discussed the Blue Ridge trails (off Hwy 16), the Redbud Trail towards Wilson Valley (off Hwy 20), the Zim Zim Falls trail (off Knoxville-Berryessa Rd. which intersects Morgan Valley Rd. to the north and Pope Canyon Rd. in the south), the Baldy Mountain trail (accessible via Bear Valley Rd. or Walker Ridge Rd., both off Hwy. 20), and the Aetna Springs trail east of the Palisades (off Butts Canyon/Pope Valley Rd.).

Ken Stanton talks about Cache Creek landslide of 1906The audience was treated to fascinating stories of settlers’ lives, of the once world-famous Bartlett Springs in the late 1800’s, as well as more recent anecdotes when outdoor enthusiasts and historians like Ken fought to ensure that access to places such as Table Rock and the Palisades were opened up for public enjoyment and recreation.

Ken Stanton and Boone Lodge

Ken also passed around a binder with historical photographs of towns and settlers in the area, but for more details and pictures, his book (written in an engaging style) Mount St. Helena & R.L. Stevenson State Park: A history and guide, is an invaluable guide not just on the history, but also on the geology, flora and fauna of the area. The talk concluded with a walk along the Interpretive Trail.

Many thanks to Ken for sharing his knowledge of the history as well as locations of those tucked-away hiking destinations. We are thankful to him, the volunteers, and officials who have heightened public awareness and access to these beautiful spots!