Many thanks to the Middletown Composite Mountain Biking Team for their help in bringing back Game trail in BMDSF! A group of nearly 35 young people and adults convened in the forest on a beautiful Saturday morning to continue work on the trail. With such a large number of people we were able to split up in groups with some working on Game trail while others did clearing and rock raking on other trails. The Mountain Biking Team practices at Boggs and we are exceedingly grateful for their help in restoring and maintaining the trails.
March 1, 2025
Under a cerulean blue sky with white puffy clouds around twenty people met at BMDSF for a three mile hike guided by Rich Bucher of Cal Fire. We started up Mac’s Trail and within fifteen minutes people were shedding their outer layer in the late winter sun. There were frequent stops at various overlooks where Rich shared his extensive knowledge of the history and geography of Boggs and the Cobb Mountain area as well as the reforestation plan for the forest after the Valley Fire. Rich explained the mission of the various Demonstration forests and the contrast between a Demonstration Forest and a State or National Park. A Demonstration Forest being a living laboratory for researching best practices for sustainable forestry to the benefit of both private and public lands, and is not taxpayer funded but self-sustaining through selective logging. One of the highlights of the hike was a stop at the top of one of the two Boggs Mountain summits where Rich pointed out major peaks in Mendocino National Forest and even a few notable peaks of the Sierra. At the summit the breeze picked up and people were adding back the layers they had removed on the way up while we started down the mountain and back toward the parking lot. Returning to our cars by around noon everyone thanked Rich and FOBM for sponsoring the event with the hope that they would soon return to BMDSF to explore further. Without exception everyone agreed it was a fun and informative morning. Watch our website and FB page for future hikes and other events.

Now that the monsoons have passed, at least temporarily, we plan to be back building trails. Game trail is nearing completion and Grizzly will be the next on the docket. Additionally, at the direction of CAL FIRE, we will be modifying the high banked switchbacks on Mac’s Trail that adheres to CAL FIRE’s project description of multi-use trails and for user safety.
Mac’s trail will remain open while the work is being done. Keep an eye on our Facebook and website for trail workday announcements. Please know that the trails on Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest are open to hiking, mountain biking and equestrian use only. Please be mindful and courteous of others, keep dogs on leash and leave no trace. If you would like to join our group in developing more trails, please join! For forest information, you can contact Cal Fire at 707-928-4378.”

Here is your opportunity to join us for a three hour guided hike at Boggs. The hike is planned for Saturday morning March 1. You must be prepared for a moderate level hike. Approximately 600’ elevation gain with occasional stops for the first mile before summiting and descending back to the parking lot.
In addition, bring water, snacks and binoculars. If clear enough, the snow capped Sierra Nevada Mountains and the top of Mt. Lassen may be seen!
Weather is anticipated to be mid 60s with sunny skies however rain will cancel.
RSVP to so we have a proper head count. The hike will be capped at 20 people. No walk-ins, no dogs and children must be accompanied by an adult. The hike will begin at 9am sharp in the main parking lot, and conclude at noon.
More information will follow for those who sign up so sign up soon!
In light of the fact that we’ve had somewhere in the neighborhood of 12” of rain in the last week, we’ve decided to cancel the trail work day scheduled for this Saturday Feb. 8. If we have four or five days of dry weather next week we may try it again on the 15th. Stay tuned.