Boggs Mountain Demonstration State Forest is working with Konocti Regional Trails (KRT) to develop a connector trail from Boggs to the village of Cobb. KRT is currently preparing a CEQA (CA Environmental Quality Act) initial study draft, to solicit comments from agencies such as CAL FIRE, Caltrans, Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, Cobb Area Water District, PG&E, County of Lake staff, as well as local schools, the surrounding community and general public. Gerri Finn, Boggs Forest Manager, has given her enthusiastic support for this project, and will be providing input in the environmental review.
The connector trail is less than a mile, begins at the base of the Interpretive Trail, and will follow the state property line on the southern border of the forest toward Hwy 175. It will then turn south toward the Emerson property, requiring an approximately 700-ft trail easement, and an encroachment permit from Caltrans until it ends at the intersection of Estates Drive and Hwy 175. Caltrans has proposed installing flashing beacons to the north and south of the intersection to warn motorists of pedestrians.
Professional trail builders are being considered to help flag and construct a 4-ft wide multiuse path with trail dozers on some steep areas as shown in the photo. A puncheon (a low bridge with no rails) may also need to be built for a seasonal creek crossing. Fundraising, donations and grants are being considered to help pay for the trail construction. Volunteer trail crews will also be deployed to do finishing work.
The connector trail is the brainchild of Adian Minty, a Cobb community volunteer, father of Cobb Elementary School children, and avid mountain biker. It is his aspiration for this trail to provide safe access to Boggs for school children who need to ride a bus just to get to the forest less than a mile away. It will also provide access to the village of Cobb’s shops and restaurants for Boggs visitors, and for community residents who wish to walk or ride their bikes to the forest from their homes.
For more information, please contact KRT Trails Coordinator and Friends of Boggs Volunteer, Gigi Stahl, at fobmtn [at) gmail {dot} com.